9100 Völkermarkt
Map location
Infrastructure/distances (POIs)
- Bus 500 m
- Bank 500 m
- ATM 500 m
- Police 1000 m
- Pharmacy 500 m
- Doctor 9000 m
Stated distance as the crow flies / source: OpenStreetMap
Property basic info
- Purchase price €499,000.00
- Area approx. 614 m2
Price information
Purchase price: | €499,000.00 |
- Commission: 3% des Kaufpreises zzgl. 20% USt.
- Land registration fee: 1.1%
- Real estate transfer tax: 3.5%
- Property no. 5690/535
- Transaction type Purchase
- Property type Apartment
- Purchase price €499,000.00
- Type of use Residential Commercial Investment
- Area approx. 614 m2
- Living area approx. 614 m2